13 floor Apartment wings elevation detail DWG AutoCAD drawing


Discover the intricate design of our 13-Floor Apartment Wings Elevation Detail in DWG AutoCAD drawing format. This 2D drawing provides a comprehensive view of the elevation details for a multi-story apartment building, showcasing the architectural nuances and structural elements. Perfect for architects, developers, and designers, this drawing offers invaluable insights into the facade, window placements, and overall aesthetic of the apartment wings. Whether you are planning a new project or enhancing an existing one, this CAD drawing is an essential tool for ensuring precision and quality. Compatible with various CAD software, the DWG file format ensures seamless integration into your design workflow. Download these AutoCAD files today to elevate your architectural plans with detailed and accurate elevation drawings, optimizing your 13-floor apartment design with our expertly crafted plans.


File Type: DWG File ID: 267321

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